Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 9

I am so glad to be done with The Great Gatsby. I didn't really like this book a lot, but I didn't really dislike this book either. I thought that it was Wilson that was dead not Gatsby, or are both Wilson and Gatsby dead? I think that it is so sad that the only people that show up to the house for the funeral is Nick, Gatsby's father, and the pastor. I was glad that there was another person that showed up to the cemetery for Gatsby's funeral. I bet though that since Gatsby hosted these huge elaborate parties with this amazing banned liquor was why Gatsby didn't seem so lonely and seemed to have so many friends. The truth was that he didn’t, well, at least until he met Nick. I don’t know if I have said it before or not, but I think that Gatsby was first just trying to be nice and polite to his poor neighbor. Then Gatsby decided that Nick was an okay guy and that they could become good friends. Afterward, Gatsby found out that Nick was cousins with Daisy, his childhood love, and become obsessed with using Nick to try and get Daisy back. In truth, I think that Gatsby mistake in addressing Tom at the hotel a couple of chapters back. His mistake was that once Tom and Daisy both managed to cool down from the argument, it helped close the gap that was made between them over the years. As well as, the gap from Tom having a mistress.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 8

I like that we are getting close to finishing this book. Scott Fitzgerald does a very nice job of wrapping up all the loose ends. He also does a nice job of informing you about all these different occurrences that you are told about and why they happened. I think that it is buried a little in the last few chapters though. I am glad that Gatsby finally uses his pool. I would like to know however, how George Wilson knows or even finds out that it was Gatsby's car that killed his wife. Was it through Tom? I don't think it was very possible, because Tom wasn't in the car and was passing by after it happened. Then again, it could have been him, because he drove that car to town and would have known what color and model it was. I would also like to know where George Wilson got the gun from. As well as, I would like to know why Gatsby is not injured, but George Wilson is lying dead some small distance away from the pool. How did there even get to be blood in the pool and the pool start draining? I would hope that Gatsby knows how to do everything in his own house, but only relies on his servants, because he can and is to lazy to himself. I like how Nick is there for Gatsby when he needs him most. I wonder if the call Gatsby was expecting was supposed to from Daisy, or maybe it was supposed to from his business partner

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 7

This chapter was so long. It was so much longer than any of the other chapters. This chapter had a lot going on in it. First, there was Daisy, Tom, Jordan, Nick, and Gatsby all hanging out and eating at the Buchanan's. Then, they decide that they want to go to town, meaning New York, and in town, they rent out a room in which a huge inevitable argument occurs. So then Daisy and Gatsby head back to East and West Egg. Shortly followed by Tom, Jordan, and Nick, but they stop at Wilson's garage to find out that Myrtle was killed. When they get home, they call a taxi for Nick to go home. On second thought, not too little occurred but not a ton of stuff occurred. I think that it is a good thing that everybody is finding out about this couple's two different affairs. Although, something that suddenly does make a lot more sense is who the person that was being deployed over seas to go fight in the war that Daisy packed up her bags to go say good bye to was Gatsby. I still think that Gatsby just wanted to be friendly to Nick since he was so poor. Then, Gatsby found out that Nick was cousins with Daisy, his childhood love. I am curious as to why Tom cares so much about where his wife is going alone. I mean seriously, he does the exact same thing. I wonder what will happen when George Wilson finds out that Tom is the person that his wife has been cheating on him with.

The Great Gatsby Chapter 6

This chapter seems kind of pointless. I don't necessarily like it and don't necessarily dislike it either. It is just such a weird chapter. I like how it tells you a little bit about Gatsby's past. I would like to know, who is this Dan Cody guy? Also, where did Gatsby learn this amazing smile from? I would really like to know. Another thing, did Gatsby go with Tom and the other two people he was riding with to that one lady's house for dinner? This chapter seems so inconclusive. What influenced Gatsby to change his name? This chapter also only tells us where he gets a small portion of his money. This money was probably used by Gatsby to send himself over seas to relax and explore other countries. Then, when the World War started Gatsby was probably staying in a country that could care less about getting involved in the Eastern Hemisphere. After hanging out in some secluded little country, he probably receives some mail from home or the government telling him that he has to serve in the army. Either that or Gatsby comes home and is drafted. He serves and then stays to go to college. Then where does Gatsby get his money? Does he get it from other people like Dan Cody? I bet that if he would have received all of Dan Cody's money, that he would not be involved in whatever little thing he is in. I would really like to find out how he has all that money now.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 5

This chapter is not nearly as despicable to me as the previous few chapters. I find that Nick is a more reliable narrator in this chapter too. He gives you accurate information and doesn’t censor it or change it to fit his personal opinion. Nevertheless I don’t like Nick being the narrator. I think that either the story needs to be told in third person or with a different narrator. Even though, I find Nick a reliable narrator this chapter, my overall opinion is that he is still unreliable. I still cannot understand why this great and might Gatsby is interested in this low and lonely person that he met almost five years ago. Sadly, many of the students that will read this don’t understand the social classes and are probably asking why these two, Gatsby and Daisy, don’t hook up? They are either saying screw Tom, he had the affair first, or they are saying, what is the point of having these social classes, if it just causes heartbreak and heartache between people. I am curious if Daisy is one of those people who rebel from the old ways of how to dress. I think that from the way Gatsby was not too terribly shocked from seeing her, that she is one of those people who stay with the dress of ankle length dresses. Although, I wonder, would Gatsby have behaved differently if Daisy would have shown up in a knee length dress? I think that he would have been blown away, considering if she was wearing an ankle length dress, and Gatsby was so thrilled to see her as well as embarrassed.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 4

Once again, I don’t like the chapter again. I still find Nick to be an unreliable character. On page 74, I was very confused. I think it was because I was expecting Nick to keep narrating, but instead I think it might have been Jordan Baker. I don’t know. It was very confusing, because it was talking about the person wearing a crisp possibly white skirt. Like I said I do not like this book very much, or even the chapter. Also, as I stated in the last chapters blog post, this chapter jumps around a lot. I would personally have made many more different chapter than Scott Fitzgerald did. I mean, it is nice having fewer chapters to read for in Boyd’s class. I find the fact that Gatsby likes Daisy very interesting. I think that by the end of the book, Tom and Daisy will split. Tom will end up getting together with Myrtle, taking her away from her husband. Daisy will get together with Gatsby and live by Nick to visit and call upon each other more often. Lastly, I think that Jordan Baker and Nick will figure out their love for each other and then marry, but they will probably try to not have kids for a while that way Jordan can continue her golfing career. I am almost positive that the reason Jordan doesn’t abject to Nick is because she is either jealous of her friend Daisy for having so many callers that she is happy that at least someone loves her and is willing to touch her and love her.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 3

I don’t really like this chapter. It seems like the only reason Nick is invited, would be because Gatsby feels sorry for him. It could also have something to do with Gatsby living next to alone in his huge house with only himself beside the servants. Gatsby probably thought that Nick needed to have some company, but could only think of making him social through a party. I can only imagine the worst, for he is socially awkward around people he doesn’t know or people richer than him. He also just went to the party in white slacks and what his nicest shirt? I think that it was neat that he technically has a date, Jordan Baker. I especially don’t like the way that the whole first part of the chapter is talking about the party before he finally remembers to mention that he was invited and supposed to be at the party. At this point, I don’t think that Nick is a very reliable narrator. I was really trying hard to not judge him as a reliable or unreliable narrator, so that I could decide later after reading more of the book. This chapter also talks about quite a bit of different things. For example, it talks about Jordan and Nick losing track of each other after Gatsby’s big party until summer. I mean seriously, what does this have to do with Gatsby’s huge party? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! This chapter is like a rough draft in our class for an argumentative essay where it wonders around and around. I don’t really like how this book wanders around. I mean, yeah, I can keep track of it as well as the at least 5 other books I am in, but still, it is very annoying to me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Write

Well today, I don't want to talk very much or out loud, because my sinuses are draining down my throat make it sore and causing me to cough. Otherwise, I have no problem sharing my writing as it is now. I don't really fear anything about sharing my writing. The best case or the worst case scenario that could happen today would be that I wouldn't have to change anything or completely rewrite the portion of my essay I am sharing. I would like to see how this turns out.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Free Write

The cold makes me want to. . .

The cold make me want to go home and hang out in my pajama pants and drink a hot drink. I would love it if I could go home and hang out all day today, but I have to go sit in a car ride and then through a short funeral service. I could be doing what I wish I was except for the hot drink factor, because I am  in comfy clothes and during the car ride, I can watch the movie Shrek 2 off of my Nintendo DS, play a game or read a book.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Free Write

I think that there are quite a few things that I could improve upon and there are many other things that I think that I do very well. I think that I am generally pretty good at writing an assignment to the minimum length and not going on blabbering about whatever just to fill. I also feel like most of the time that I do a decent job of writing sentences. There are a few times I have a hard time putting what I want to say into a proper sentence. I feel like I need to work on keeping my papers more concise. I can probably help keep it more concise by not including extra information. I also need to work on my argument skills in my writings.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Awakening Response

I thought that this book was dull and boring. I was surprised that there are none significant deaths; on that aspect, I enjoyed this book better than most of other books I have read or probably will read in this class. I didn't like the two or three chapters that were not even a page long and I did not understand the point of them. I really liked the beginning part of the book where they are all at Grand Isle. I would love to go there. I hated Robert at the end of the book for pushing Edna away after she figures out that she loves him. I believe that Edna swims out at Grand Isle because Robert pushed her away after he comes back from Mexico. It also had something to do with the note that he left. He finally admits that he does love her and that was why he was Edna’s buddy throughout the summer until he left. I think that her realization has caused her much pain and that was why she skirting her obligations as a mother and housewife. It is probably also why she liked to be alone or with other young people better than her family. I don’t quite understand her sudden infatuation with art. She wants to go to a class and learn. I am almost positive that it was not acceptable for women in that society to act in the way that she did. I don’t really enjoy the way the book ends as a cliffhanger.