Monday, November 15, 2010

The Jungle Chapters 4-6

I found these three chapters quite a bite better than the first three. Aside from the appalling meat information, it is actually quite a good story. I have found in the past to find fiction boring, but this book is helping to change that. The story line is coming along very nicely. It is amazing how blessed this family is to all find work. The ten dollar bill slipped into a forelady’s hand is such a disgrace but at least it is work for Ona and that is nice. I can easily understand why salesmen are the least trusted professions especially after the way that the family discovers it. I cannot imagine the horror and complete anger if the salesman would have come up to the house and demanded an extra seven dollars from them on top of the twelve dollar a month payment of the house. That salesman is extremely lucky that the elderly lady down the street came over and explained it to them as well as proved it was in the deed. Then again that man is probably also again extremely lucky that Jurgis wasn’t home to tear him to shreds for not being informed of this at purchase. I am curious that if any of the people who work in the meat packing industry buy the meat and eat it. I would refuse to buy it and become a vegetarian even if it would mean the death of me. The way that Antanas is supposed to clean out the drain and then dump it into the truck with the rest is very disturbing. It probably doesn’t help that it has had all the stuff that has been on the floor and blood pouring over it, draining between it, and getting absorbed by it, as well as letting it sit there for a few days in warm or clod and thus the meat could be rotten.


  1. Brenna,
    I thought that you really explained what happened in the 3 chapters. When I read your response, it gave me a glimpse of what happened, that was important, in these chapters. Overall, well done!!! :)

  2. Brenna,

    This is a really nice reasponse to the reading and that you did a wonderful job. You anaylzed the story and how it was coming together which is nice to add in.
