Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Jungle Chapters 23-26

It is very depressing that Jurgis finally finds a job and then is injured on the job. I find that the companies are terrible because Jurgis should have been able to sue but no he couldn't, for one reason. The company didn't tell him. Why should they anyways? It would only mean a loss of money to the company and probably lower wages for the workers. I find the last part of Chapter 23 to be very descriptive and disturbing. Where it is talking about the woman being dragged away by the police to the Detention Hospital. I love the imagery here. It says, “ You might see them, herded together in a miniature inferno, with hideous, beastly faces, bloated and leprous with disease, laughing, shouting, screaming in all stages of drunkenness, barking like dogs, gibbering like apes, raving and tearing themselves in delirium.” In this part of the novel it is also giving the reader another preview as to why the book is called The Jungle. I believe that it is named so because of the way everybody in Packingtown is dragged down to the bare minimum of living that their inner beast is dragged out. The town has turned from civilized immigrants to a pit of mindless beasts equivalent to living in a jungle. What does Aladdin have to do with anything? I don’t believe that Aladdin’s story was out yet. Yeah, the book was published in 1906 and Aladdin didn’t come out until 1992. I still don’t get the point of including it in the book.


  1. wow I really liked your blog it was very discriptive and i liked hokw u talked about the way every one is living in a jungle all i can say that you could do differently is to not use that color

  2. Brenna,

    You anaylizd this reading very well with how you even make mention to the title of the book and find out why it is called that.You took a very different approach with the company I found that you defended them which was great.

  3. You are doing a great job identifying with the text. I especially like that you used a quote to help make your point.

  4. i thought you said u are allergic to the text background is black?? ;) haha

    anyways, i think your blog is really good. I like how you give your opinion and give a reason why you feel that way. GOOD JOB!

    p.s. this keyboard is so freakin stupid! i have to keep using my on-screen qwerty keyboard.....garrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. Brenna,
    I really thought the imagry was awesome as well. I really liked your response, it was good and really nailed chapter 23. The only thing you could do better is to write a reaction to chapter 24 and 25 as well, but overall, an excellent reaction.
